It's all about traffic in Cobb. If you live or commute near Windy Hill Road, keep in mind that all of these improvements are taking place.
The projects are necessary to enhance safety, improve traffic flow and decrease congestion on Windy Hill Road. The five projects - one from the 2005 SPLOST and four from the 2011 SPLOST - will transform a 1.95-mile stretch of Windy Hill Road. In total, the projects are projected at more than $48 million and are scheduled for completion in Spring 2017.
Windy Hill Traffic Updates:
Project 1: This existing 5-lane section of roadway has a center left turn lane with a high accident rate. Traffic crashes in this section have increased as motorists attempt to cut in and across the two way center left turn lane. This project will add a median and an additional west and east bound lane. Existing sidewalks will be replaced
Project 2: This 5-lane roadway has a center left turn lane. This project will add a median and reconfigure the existing 6 lanes into 3 lanes in each direction.
Project 3: This project adds a west bound lane only. This lane addition will decrease traffic congestion. The sidewalks on the west bound side will be replaced.
Project 4: Construction of a Diverging Diamond Interchange will decrease traffic congestion and accident rate at the ramp intersections by decreasing the conflict points. Congestion during construction is expected but no closures while project is underway. When completed, motorists will no longer be able to turn right onto Interstate North Parkway (west side).
Project 5: The intersection of SR3/US 41/Cobb Parkway and Windy Hill Road/CR 1720 has an unacceptable level of service in the peak hours. Improvements include the addition of dual-left turn lanes on the north and south legs of Cobb Parkway, lengthening the existing dual-lefts and adding a right turn lane on the west leg of Windy Hill Road, the addition of a third northbound lane on Cobb Parkway. Additionally, space for future queue jumper lanes will improve service times for transit vehicles at the signal. All new traffic signal equipment and pedestrian accommodations will also be included.